Wellbeing Prescriptions

The Wintering Prescription

Winter is a challenging time for many. As humans living in a post-industrial revolution society, we have tumbled unintentionally into normalising that life is in constant spring or summer, always blooming, always producing, and always busy.

As an Occupational Therapist, we use activity as a therapeutic tool to support wellbeing. I am offering this six month care package to cover to prepare you for the winter ahead. We begin exploring the transition into deep winter and then spring, supporting you to carve out your version of hibernation, a period of dormancy.

A simple activity-based prescription. Explore how you can be intentional in taking care of yourself, break some habits, and make time for quiet, sleep, and stillness.

To open up to the possibilities this will bring you for the seasons that follow. To take an active step in taking care of your health and well-being.  Impacting not only on you but those around you.

The Wintering Meditation Series: 50€

  • 17 prerecorded mindful compassion-based meditation ateliers inspired by the book ‘Wintering - finding retreat and rest in difficult times’, by Katherine May

The Wintering package: 420€

  • Six individual Occupational Therapy sessions (spaced over 3-6 months)

  • Tailored wellbeing prescription of activities   

  • 17 prerecorded mindful compassion-based meditation ateliers inspired by the book ‘Wintering - finding retreat and rest in difficult times’, by Katherine May

The Company You Keep

This prescription offers an opportunity to deepen your relationships and explore the company you keep. Each week you’ll examine a different aspect of your life including; how you are spending your days, with whom and what you’re up to.

We’ll meet three times for one hour, spaced over 7 weeks. You’ll have 7 pre-recorded meditations to be spaced out over 7 weeks in which you’ll have a ten-minute daily practice. This is a challenging meditation series and will offer a new perspective on how you’re spending your time, shining a spotlight on the habits (helpful and unhelpful) that support you but also get in the way of you living more fully.

You’ll be invited to connect to the extraordinariness of life and enjoy your own company in the quiet and still moments.

The Company We Keep Package: 210€

one individual Occupational Therapy session

  • Three tailored wellbeing prescription of activities   

  • 7 prerecorded mindful compassion-based meditation ateliers

  • 7 weeks of home practices


The Body Keeps The Score


A Year of Wellbeing - Free