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Find ecstasy in life; the mere sense of living is joy enough. – Emily Dickinson
Dear Reader,
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The Wellbeing Ateliers
February 2023
We continue to explore practical and simple activity based tools that increase our neuroplasticity, the lifelong capacity of the brain to change and rewire itself in response to the stimulation of learning and experience.
This month we’ve been paying particular attention to the Reticular Activation System (RSA) and it’s ability to filter in joy, or misery, and how it’s a part of our brains ability to be trained towards a sense of contentment and ease. Want to improve the quality of your life? Read this article on the RSA: If you want it, you might get it….. essentially you’re going to need to learn to use this filter, here are a few ways:
Rest and Restore the mindful compassion based mediation class has two more session left, and then begins a new series begins the second week of March. The in person class is Tuesday 2-3pm and Friday 9-10am French time. Recordings available for those unable to attend with email support included.
I can facilitate these classes local to Pézenas within your space (in French or English) for a minimum or 3 people, Monday morning/early afternoon or a Tuesday Morning.
The Wellbeing Invitation a free and simple occupational therapy prescription of activities to support wellbeing. This month we’re taking it gentle with an invitation to take yourself on a date once a week (out for tea, a massage, a long walk, a movie night with your favourite treats), a poem to ponder and I’ve expanded on the French sigh breathing technique I spoke of nearly three years ago….
Individual Wellbeing Session Through tailored online individual occupational therapy sessions I support people to create the conditions within their daily life that have the potential to improve their overall health and wellbeing.
Strategies to mitigate the impact of stress on daily life
Creating new strategies and routines to build emotional, physical and mental resilience to challenges run daily life
Crisis management
Managing the impact that changes in health have on day-to-day functioning and support clients to maintain activities most important to them
Fatigue management, energy conservation through task modification, pacing, and task prioritisation
Sleep hygiene exploring modifications to both environment and habits that will assist clients improve quality of sleep
Pain management
Exploration of the impact of the changes that have taken place for a person such as self-image, identity, roles and relationships.
Therapeutic activity based exercise supporting emotional, physical and mental strength and flexibility through routines that can
If cost is something that is preventing you from accessing individual support with me please do reach out. For those of you based in France with a mutuelle you may be entitled to reimbursement on Occupational Therapy sessions.
Please reply to this message to make any bookings or if you have any questions.
I try my best not to clutter up your inbox by keeping my newsletters, please feel free to hit the unsubscribe button at the bottom of the letter… If on the other hand you’d like to know more about my work I update more regularly via my website, Instagram and Facebook. If you would like to support my work you can treat me to a coffee here.